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Welcome to Footsteps!

Renewing Christians
Empowering Leaders
Celebrating Unity in Christ

Footsteps in the Sand is a community of Christians from churches in this area that seeks to bring people closer to Jesus Christ. Our mission is to foster spiritual renewal, develop leaders for the local church, and encourage Christian action. We do this by conducting three-day Christian Renewal Weekends. As a result of these weekends, people feel their walk with Christ renewed and are inspired to get more involved with their church’s ministry.


If you want to learn more about Footstep, we invite you to explore the About Us and Retreat Weekend tabs. Pastors - you have your own tab!


Our community has been holding Christian Renewal Retreats for over 40 years and we would love to be a boost to your Christian walk. 

Our Christian Walk is lived out one step at a time.

There is a lot of division in our world.

We stress what Christians have in common and respect our differences.


Feb. 15, 2025

May 16-18, 2025

The Next


On Zoom!

 The link will be emailed soon


Visiting​ 6:45 pm

Program 7:00 pm



MEN'S #5

Roger Gagne

Weekend Leader

May 30 - June 1, 2025


Uta Robertson

Weekend Leader

Download a Footsteps Brochure

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Jesus is the vine and we are the branches.  But the branch cannot bear fruit unless it abides in the vine.  Therefore, if churches are to have fruitful ministries, its members need to seek to abide in Christ and to have Christ abiding in their heart.  Jesus also gave us the example of being a servant leader.  These are both central to the Footsteps in the Sand experience.

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Pastors need help more than ever.  Footsteps in the Sand is an organization dedicated to encouraging members to be more active in their home church in support of their pastor and the ministry of that church. 


We hold life changing Retreat Weekends in the Fall and Spring designed to bring people to a closer walk with Christ and develop servant leaders for the local church.  These  retreats provide three days to focus on Jesus and how to respond to God's astounding grace. 


God loves each of us and wants you to draw ever closer through your walk with Christ. This walk is taken step-by-step with the Bible as a light unto your path and the Holy Spirit as your guide. 

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