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I Want to Serve on a Team!

Volunteer to Serve on a Weekend Team

Serving on a Weekend Team is said to be 10 Times Better than attending the Weekend itself, so this is the BEST way to make the MOST of your Fourth Day. 


To let us know you are interested type in "I would like to serve on a Weekend Team" in the message section below (as well as completing the other fields).   


Also in the Message section please indicate what team positions you have held previously.  If this will be your first team, then just type in "I'm New".  Don't worry, each Weekend Team is supposed to have several new people on it. 


Weekend Leaders have a lot of considerations when putting a team together, so we can't guarantee you will recieve a call, but indicating your interest in serving is a HUGE help!



Select an option

Thanks for your information. We will be in touch soon.

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