Management of Links
Footsteps Brochure Link
As of 9/9/2022 This link goes to a document stored on the Media Pages of WiX
Link is found on the following pages:
Home Page
About Us Page
What People Are Saying
Retreat Weekend
Retreat Agenda
Footsteps Community Page
Women's Weekend Page
Men's Weekend Page
Member's Page
"Information for Footsteps Community Members"
Spread the Word
Login for Member Pages is: LoveGod1st
PASTOR'S Brochure Link
As of 9/9/2022 This link goes to a document stored on the Media Pages of WiX
Link is found on the following pages:
Pastor's Page
Retreat Weekend
Footsteps Community Page
Members Page
"Information for Footsteps Community Members"
Marketing Posters,Signs, News
Links to Marketing Poster, etc., foung on
Members Page (Footsteps Community)
Spreading the Word Page
Resources Page
Mktg Material on Spreading the Word, Resources, Members Pgs
Origina Posters & Signs are found on GQ computer >Outreach
Some in Publisher, some in word
Material to appear on page has to be jpeg & ownloaded as PDF
are on Spreading the Word & Resources
Newsleter material has to be in word so they can edit with name of church and contact person. Link is found in Google Drive: WEEKEND MATERIAL>Resources>Promotional Material
Weekend Dates are Listed:
The Home Page
Retreat Weekend Tab page
Footsteps Community Page
M & W Team pages
Registration Page
Member Page
Dates themselves
Teams Forming Narrative
Also the Newsletter pieces linked on the Spreading the Word Page. Can be updated through the link.
Donation Amount
Appear on the "Registration" page on this website
Also on the "Payment & Donation page (which a page listed just under the HOME page in the when editing pages
Gathering Dates
Home Page (bottom)
Footsteps Public Community Page
Gathering page
Team Lists & Guest Lists
Men's Weeked Page
Women's Weekend Page
Palanca Page
Footsteps Two-Sided Flier Link
As of 9/9/22 The Two-Sided Flier has not been updated to remove the reference to a public FaceBook page (which doesn't exist at this time. This document has can only be updated by Shelley due to special fonts for the headings.
Future Ideas for the Website
Public Pages
Link to Public Facebook page (once established)
Calendar of future events (more than just the next events)
President's Blog (Public)
Video of people talking about Footsteps and the Weekends
Pastor's video for the Pastor's page
Members Only Pages
Prayer board/ sensitive news
Link to private facebook group
President's Blog (Internal)
Board of Director's
Members & Contact Info ?
Board Highlights
Minutes of board meeting available? (Pretty dull)
Small Group: How to informantion
4th Day Small Group listing
Video instruction pieces
Teams Forming NOW!
The Team Formation process is just begining for M/W #3 Weekends next spring. It is through serving on a team that you will get the most benefit from Footsteps in the Sand. It is part of God's economy that in giving you receive. If you thought attending a Weekend was wonderful, then you should know serving on team is even more so. Having the Lord work through you to touch the lives of others is such an awesome priviledge. If you get a call, and you feel the Holy Spirit giving you a nudge, then say "YES!" You will be glad you did.
Site design
Page Backround D6ECFO
Women's Weekend #4
Novemeber 17-19, 2023
Nancy Mahoney
Women's #3Team
Nancy Mahoney
Jessica Bardelli
Marie Strolin
Shelley Welch
Cindy Dodd
Keith Welch
Carol Twiggs
Emily Konecky
Carol Mitchell
Kim Gerlander
Romy Cascella
Connie Umile
Debi Mastroni-Kenyon
Phoebe Repetsky
Emy Santos
Nadine Logan
Wendy Cudmore
Brenda Braun
Carla Pierce
Dot Pierce
Lauren Thunem
Weekend Leader
Assistant Weekend Leader
Chief Auxiliary
Music Director
Spiritual Director
Spiritual Director
Your Christian Walk
The #1 Thing
Christian Leadership
Table Leader
Table Leader
Tech Auxiliary
Leslie Quimby
Women's # 4 Weekend Leader
Women's #3 was a HUGE success enjoyed by 36 wonderful ladies and one lucky guy (Keith Welch the Spiritual Director).
There was an excitement in the air even as people were arriving Friday night and it kept getting better. It was reported there was a lot of emotional and spiritual healing that was experienced.